Home » CorTec featured in “Open Access Government”: A Step Closer to Enhanced Stroke Rehabilitation

CorTec featured in “Open Access Government”: A Step Closer to Enhanced Stroke Rehabilitation

CorTec’s Innovative Brain Interchange System for Stroke Rehabilitation

Recently the online journal “Open Access Government” published an article about our innovative Brain Interchange System. A forthcoming early feasibility study, scheduled for 2024 in the United States, will investigate its effectiveness. The details of the technology and the system are unveiled by Dr. Martin Schuettler, Chief Technology Officer of CorTec.


Preparing for a Clinical Feasibility Study with the Brain Interchange Evaluation Kit

To prepare for the study, we are using special equipment called the Brain Interchange Evaluation Kit. It allows researchers to test the system’s performance. Thus the Evaluation Kit plays a great role for the upcoming study by enabling the collection of in vivo data. Subscribe to the CorTec Newsletter to get further updates.

Brain Intechange Evaluation Kit


You can read the full article here.


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