Home » Ministerial Survey Confirms High Level Of Acceptanceof Innovative Therapies

Ministerial Survey Confirms High Level Of Acceptanceof Innovative Therapies

A survey by order of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) shows simliar results to a recently published study in cooperation with the University Medical Center Freiburg: Innovative therapies like for example with neural implants enjoy broad acceptance among the German population.

A large marjority of respondents of the survey “Future Monitor – Thinking Health In a New Way” express a positive attitude towards new technologies in the field of medicine. This includes wearable (fitness wristbands or devices for measuring heart frequence, sleep patterns or the like), telemedicine or even neural implants. 51% of the interviewees could imagine to be treated with such implants, in the survey mainly referring to an improvement of memory capacity.

Learn more about the Study: Future Monitor – Thinking Health In A New Way

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