Home » CorTec Is Chosen Innovator 2018 by brand eins and Statista

CorTec Is Chosen Innovator 2018 by brand eins and Statista

German business journal brand eins has just published a study in cooperation with Statista which selects CorTec among 15 other companies “Innovator 2018” in the medical devices industry.

Experts from the Institute for Innovation an Technology (iit) in Berlin and from the Statista panel „Expert Circle“ as well as leading business representatives from innovation award-winning companies have assessed more than 3,400 companies from 20 industries. The criteria of the assessment focused on the innovative capabilities of these companies regarding their products and services, their processes as well as their corporate culture.

Other companies in the “Medical Devices and Products” / “Medizinische Geräte und Produkte” industry that are acclaimed alongside CorTec are for example Otto Bock Healthcare, Medtronic, Biotronik, Brainlab or Med-El.

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