The research in the peripheral nervous system towards new therapies based the approach of bioelectronic medicine has experienced a strong upswing in recent years. In a webinar featuring some users of our cuff electrodes we have presented challenges of this work together with recent successes.
The online event entitled “Utilizing Nerve Cuff Electrodes for in vivo Peripheral Nerve Research” was hosted by CTO and CEO, Dr. Martin Schüttler. As an expert on the technical requirements towards cuff electrodes who are acting as direct interfaces to the nerves he introduced some options how cuff electrodes can be designed optimally for different applications and what needs to be considered doing so.
Dr. Tèa Tsaava, scientist at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in New York, and Chris Langdale from the Warren Grill Lab at Duke University represented the user side. Both have been working intensely in the peripheral nervous system often using CorTec °AirRay Cuff electrodes for their studies. They gave practical tips on how to select the right electrode, how to deal with the nerve during implantation and how to design the experiment. In addition they presented some of the results of their work.
Thus, the webinar offered valuable insights into work in the peripheral nervous system – for beginners as well as for advanced users.
The complete webinar and the corresponding slides are available following this link:
Detailed information about our cuff electrodes is available in the Solutions section on our website.
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