Research and development are the focus of our work. With a highly skilled team we are working closely together with our partners to promote and deploy the technology developed by us in funded projects.
Today we would like to introduce the Moore4Medical* project to you. It is the overarching objective of Moore4Medical to accelerate innovation in electronic medical devices.
The project addresses emerging medical applications and technologies that offer significant new opportunities for the Electronic Systems & Components (ECS) industry including: bioelectronic medicines, organ-on-chip, drug adherence monitoring, smart ultrasound, radiation free interventions and continuous monitoring. The new technologies will help fighting the increasing cost of healthcare by reducing the need for hospitalization, helping to develop personalized therapies, and realizing intelligent point-of-care diagnostic tools.
In this video Vera Oppelt gives a short introduction to our work in this project. She is leading and monitoring the project on CorTec’s side. She explains first hand, what our role – and more specifically – our goal is in the Moore4Medical project together with 66 selected companies, universities and institutes from 12 countries who develop open technology platforms for these emerging fields.
Discover more interesting projects we are working on with international partners here.
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* Moore4Medical receives funding within the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) and National Authorities, under grant agreement H2020-ECSEL-2019-IA-876190
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