Home » Visit us at InterfaceRice 2024: Network with Top Minds!

Visit us at InterfaceRice 2024: Network with Top Minds!

Join us April 30th – May 1st for collaboration between Rice University, Texas Medical Center, and global leaders in neurotechnology. InterfaceRice 2024 offers a unique opportunity to network with top minds within the field of neuroscience. Among them is Dr. Helen Mayberg, recognized for her groundbreaking work on the neurology of depression. We’re proud to participate and be among the sponsors of this event. Schedule a meeting with us and we will show you our innovations!

InterfaceRice 2024

Location: Bioscience Research Collaborative (Houston, Texas)

Learn more about this event: InterfaceRice | April 30-May 1, 2024

Contact us to schedule a meeting!